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Node.js Installation

First you need to install node.js that comes with the package manager npm.

You need to install or update to version 4 of Node.js (version 4.6.2 at the time of writing). Earlier versions of Node.js aren't supported.

If you are on the Raspberry Pi and running the standard Raspbian distribution you can use the following installation procedure.

Pi Model A, B, B+ or Zero

wget -P /tmp
cd /usr/local
sudo tar xzvf /tmp/node-v4.6.2-linux-armv6l.tar.gz --strip=1

Pi 2 Mode B or Pi 3 Model B

wget -P /tmp
cd /usr/local
sudo tar xzvf /tmp/node-v4.6.2-linux-armv7l.tar.gz --strip=1

To install node on another platform than Raspberry Pi have a look at installing Node.js via package manager.

Check you Node.js version with:

/usr/bin/env node --version

pimatic Installation

You must have the gcc compiler or some other suitable compiler installed. Moreover, you need to have git installed. On Debian-based systems run:

sudo apt-get install build-essential git

Once node.js and npm are installed you can run

cd /home/pi
mkdir pimatic-app
npm install pimatic --prefix pimatic-app --production

to install the pimatic framework.

Copy the default config file:

cd pimatic-app
cp ./node_modules/pimatic/config_default.json ./config.json

You should end up with these files in your pimatic-app directory:

config.json the config file
node_modules directory for the framework and plugins
node_modules/pimatic the pimatic framework files

Now, you need to set the password for the admin user. Open the file config.json using a text editor (e.g., nano) and search for the string "users". Then, change the value of the password property for user "admin" below.