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Predicate Provider

A Predicate Provider provides a predicate for the Rule System. For predicate and rule explenations take a look at the rules file. A predicate is a string that describes a state. A predicate is either true or false at a given time. There are special predicates, called event-predicates, that represent events. These predicate are just true in the moment a special event happen.

__ = require("i18n").__ Promise = require 'bluebird' S = require 'string' assert = require 'cassert' _ = require 'lodash' M = require './matcher' types = require('decl-api').types module.exports = (env) ->

The Predicate Provider

This is the base class for all predicate provider.

class PredicateProvider parsePredicate: (input, context) -> throw new Error("You must implement parsePredicate") class PredicateHandler extends require('events').EventEmitter getType: -> throw new Error("You must implement getType") getValue: -> throw new Error("You must implement getValue") setup: ->

You must overwrite this method and set up your listener here. You should call super() after that.

if @_setupCalled then throw new Error("setup already called!") @_setupCalled = yes destroy: ->

You must overwrite this method and remove your listener here. You should call super() after that.

unless @_setupCalled then throw new Error("destroy called but not setup called!") delete @_setupCalled

The Switch Predicate Provider

Provides predicates for the state of switch devices like:

  • device is on|off
  • device is switched on|off
  • device is turned on|off
# class SwitchPredicateProvider extends PredicateProvider constructor: (@framework) ->
parsePredicate: (input, context) -> switchDevices = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values() .filter((device) => device.hasAttribute( 'state')).value() device = null state = null match = null stateAcFilter = (v) => v.trim() isnt 'is switched' M(input, context) .matchDevice(switchDevices, (next, d) => next.match([' is', ' is turned', ' is switched'], acFilter: stateAcFilter) .match([' on', ' off'], (next, s) =>

Already had a match with another device?

if device? and isnt context?.addError(""""#{input.trim()}" is ambiguous.""") return assert d? assert s in [' on', ' off'] device = d state = s.trim() is 'on' match = next.getFullMatch() ) )

If we have a match

if match? assert device? assert state? assert typeof match is "string"

and state as boolean.

return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) predicateHandler: new SwitchPredicateHandler(device, state) } else return null class SwitchPredicateHandler extends PredicateHandler constructor: (@device, @state) -> setup: -> @stateListener = (s) => @emit 'change', (s is @state) @device.on 'state', @stateListener super() getValue: -> @device.getUpdatedAttributeValue('state').then( (s) => (s is @state) ) destroy: -> @device.removeListener "state", @stateListener super() getType: -> 'state'

The Presence Predicate Provider

Handles predicates of presence devices like

  • device is present
  • device is not present
  • device is absent
# class PresencePredicateProvider extends PredicateProvider constructor: (@framework) -> parsePredicate: (input, context) -> presenceDevices = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values() .filter((device) => device.hasAttribute( 'presence')).value() device = null negated = null match = null stateAcFilter = (v) => v.trim() isnt 'not present' M(input, context) .matchDevice(presenceDevices, (next, d) => next.match([' is', ' reports', ' signals']) .match([' present', ' absent', ' not present'], {acFilter: stateAcFilter}, (m, s) =>

Already had a match with another device?

if device? and isnt context?.addError(""""#{input.trim()}" is ambiguous.""") return device = d negated = (s.trim() isnt "present") match = m.getFullMatch() ) ) if match? assert device? assert negated? assert typeof match is "string" return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) predicateHandler: new PresencePredicateHandler(device, negated) } else return null class PresencePredicateHandler extends PredicateHandler constructor: (@device, @negated) -> setup: -> @presenceListener = (p) => @emit 'change', (if @negated then not p else p) @device.on 'presence', @presenceListener super() getValue: -> return @device.getUpdatedAttributeValue('presence').then( (p) => (if @negated then not p else p) ) destroy: -> @device.removeListener "presence", @presenceListener super() getType: -> 'state'

The Contact Predicate Provider

Handles predicates of contact devices like

  • device is opened
  • device is closed
# class ContactPredicateProvider extends PredicateProvider constructor: (@framework) -> parsePredicate: (input, context) -> contactDevices = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values() .filter((device) => device.hasAttribute( 'contact')).value() device = null negated = null match = null contactAcFilter = (v) => v.trim() in ['opened', 'closed'] M(input, context) .matchDevice(contactDevices, (next, d) => next.match(' is') .match([' open', ' close', ' opened', ' closed'], {acFilter: contactAcFilter}, (m, s) =>

Already had a match with another device?

if device? and isnt context?.addError(""""#{input.trim()}" is ambiguous.""") return device = d negated = (s.trim() in ["opened", 'open']) match = m.getFullMatch() ) ) if match? assert device? assert negated? assert typeof match is "string" return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) predicateHandler: new ContactPredicateHandler(device, negated) } else return null class ContactPredicateHandler extends PredicateHandler constructor: (@device, @negated) -> setup: -> @contactListener = (p) => @emit 'change', (if @negated then not p else p) @device.on 'contact', @contactListener super() getValue: -> @device.getUpdatedAttributeValue('contact').then( (p) => (if @negated then not p else p) ) destroy: -> @device.removeListener "contact", @contactListener super() getType: -> 'state'

The Device-Attribute Predicate Provider

Handles predicates for comparing device attributes like sensor value or other states:

  • attribute of device is equal to value
  • attribute of device equals value
  • attribute of device is not value
  • attribute of device is less than value
  • attribute of device is lower than value
  • attribute of device is greater than value
  • attribute of device is higher than value
# class DeviceAttributePredicateProvider extends PredicateProvider constructor: (@framework) ->
parsePredicate: (input, context) -> allAttributes = _(@framework.deviceManager.getDevices()) .map((device) => _.keys(device.attributes)) .flatten().uniq().value() result = null matches = [] M(input, context) .match(allAttributes, (m, attr) => info = { device: null attributeName: null comparator: null referenceValue: null } info.attributeName = attr devices = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values() .filter((device) => device.hasAttribute(attr)).value() m.match(' of ').matchDevice(devices, (m, device) => info.device = device unless device.hasAttribute(attr) then return attribute = device.attributes[attr] setComparator = (m, c) => info.comparator = c setRefValue = (m, v) => info.referenceValue = v end = => matchCount++ if attribute.type is types.boolean m = m.matchComparator('boolean', setComparator).match(attribute.labels, (m, v) => if v is attribute.labels[0] then setRefValue(m, true) else if v is attribute.labels[1] then setRefValue(m, false) else assert(false) ) else if attribute.type is types.number m = m.matchComparator('number', setComparator) .matchNumber( (m,v) => setRefValue(m, parseFloat(v)) ) if attribute.unit? and attribute.unit.length > 0 possibleUnits = _.uniq([ " #{attribute.unit}", "#{attribute.unit}", "#{attribute.unit.toLowerCase()}", " #{attribute.unit.toLowerCase()}", "#{attribute.unit.replace('°', '')}", " #{attribute.unit.replace('°', '')}", "#{attribute.unit.toLowerCase().replace('°', '')}", " #{attribute.unit.toLowerCase().replace('°', '')}", ]) autocompleteFilter = (v) => v is " #{attribute.unit}" m = m.match(possibleUnits, {optional: yes, acFilter: autocompleteFilter}) else if attribute.type is types.string m = m.matchComparator('string', setComparator) .or([ ( (m) => m.matchString(setRefValue) ), ( (m) => if attribute.enum? then m.match(attribute.enum, setRefValue) else M(null) ) ]) if m.hadMatch() matches.push m.getFullMatch() if result? if isnt or result.attributeName isnt info.attributeName context?.addError(""""#{input.trim()}" is ambiguous.""") result = info ) ) if result? assert result.device? assert result.attributeName? assert result.comparator? assert result.referenceValue?

take the longest match

match = _(matches).sortBy( (s) => s.length ).last() assert typeof match is "string" return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) predicateHandler: new DeviceAttributePredicateHandler( result.device, result.attributeName, result.comparator, result.referenceValue ) } return null class DeviceAttributePredicateHandler extends PredicateHandler constructor: (@device, @attribute, @comparator, @referenceValue) -> setup: -> lastState = null @attributeListener = (value) => state = @_compareValues(@comparator, value, @referenceValue) if state isnt lastState lastState = state @emit 'change', state @device.on @attribute, @attributeListener super() getValue: -> @device.getUpdatedAttributeValue(@attribute).then( (value) => @_compareValues(@comparator, value, @referenceValue) ) destroy: -> @device.removeListener @attribute, @attributeListener super() getType: -> 'state'


Does the comparison.

_compareValues: (comparator, value, referenceValue) -> if typeof referenceValue is "number" value = parseFloat(value) result = switch comparator when '==' then value is referenceValue when '!=' then value isnt referenceValue when '<' then value < referenceValue when '>' then value > referenceValue when '<=' then value <= referenceValue when '>=' then value >= referenceValue else throw new Error "Unknown comparator: #{comparator}" return result

The Device-Attribute Watchdog Provider

Handles predicates that will become true if a attribute of a device was not updated for a certain time.

  • attribute of device was not updated for time
# class DeviceAttributeWatchdogProvider extends PredicateProvider constructor: (@framework) ->
parsePredicate: (input, context) -> allAttributes = _(@framework.deviceManager.getDevices()) .map((device) => _.keys(device.attributes)) .flatten().uniq().value() result = null match = null M(input, context) .match(allAttributes, (m, attr) => info = { device: null attributeName: null timeMs: null } info.attributeName = attr devices = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values() .filter( (device) => device.hasAttribute(attr) ).value() m.match(' of ').matchDevice(devices, (m, device) => info.device = device unless device.hasAttribute(attr) then return attribute = device.attributes[attr] m.match(' was not updated for ').matchTimeDuration( (m, {time, unit, timeMs}) => info.timeMs = timeMs result = info match = m.getFullMatch() ) ) ) if result? assert result.device? assert result.attributeName? assert result.timeMs? return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) predicateHandler: new DeviceAttributeWatchdogPredicateHandler( result.device, result.attributeName, result.timeMs ) } return null class DeviceAttributeWatchdogPredicateHandler extends PredicateHandler constructor: (@device, @attribute, @timeMs) -> setup: -> @_state = false @_rescheduleTimeout() @attributeListener = ( => if @_state is true @_state = false @emit 'change', false @_rescheduleTimeout() ) @device.on @attribute, @attributeListener super() getValue: -> Promise.resolve(@_state) destroy: -> @device.removeListener @attribute, @attributeListener clearTimeout(@_timer) super() getType: -> 'state' _rescheduleTimeout: -> clearTimeout(@_timer) @_timer = setTimeout( ( => @_state = true @emit 'change', true ), @timeMs)

The Variable Predicate Provider

Handles comparision of variables

  • device is present
  • device is not present
  • device is absent
# class VariablePredicateProvider extends PredicateProvider constructor: (@framework) -> parsePredicate: (input, context) -> result = null M(input, context) .matchNumericExpression( (next, leftTokens) => next.matchComparator('number', (next, comparator) => next.matchNumericExpression( (next, rightTokens) => result = { leftTokens rightTokens comparator match: next.getFullMatch() } ) ) ) if result? assert Array.isArray result.leftTokens assert Array.isArray result.rightTokens assert result.comparator in ['==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='] assert typeof result.match is "string" variables = @framework.variableManager.extractVariables( result.leftTokens.concat result.rightTokens ) for v in variables? unless @framework.variableManager.isVariableDefined(v) context.addError("Variable $#{v} is not defined.") return null return { token: result.match nextInput: input.substring(result.match.length) predicateHandler: new VariablePredicateHandler( @framework, result.leftTokens, result.rightTokens, result.comparator ) } else return null class VariablePredicateHandler extends PredicateHandler constructor: (@framework, @leftTokens, @rightTokens, @comparator) -> setup: -> @lastState = null @variables = @framework.variableManager.extractVariables( @leftTokens.concat @rightTokens ) @changeListener = (variable, value) => unless in @variables then return evalPromise = @_evaluate() evalPromise.then( (state) => if state isnt @lastState @lastState = state @emit 'change', state ).catch( (error) => env.logger.error "Error in VariablePredicateHandler:", error.message env.logger.debug error ) @framework.variableManager.on("variableValueChanged", @changeListener) super() getValue: -> if @lastState? then return Promise.resolve(@lastState) else return @_evaluate() destroy: -> @framework.variableManager.removeListener("variableValueChanged", @changeListener) super() getType: -> 'state' _evaluate: -> leftPromise = @framework.variableManager.evaluateNumericExpression(@leftTokens) rightPromise = @framework.variableManager.evaluateNumericExpression(@rightTokens) return Promise.all([leftPromise, rightPromise]).then( ([leftValue, rightValue]) => return state = @_compareValues(leftValue, rightValue) )


Does the comparison.

_compareValues: (left, right) -> return switch @comparator when '==' then left is right when '!=' then left isnt right when '<' then left < right when '>' then left > right when '<=' then left <= right when '>=' then left >= right else throw new Error "Unknown comparator: #{@comparator}" class ButtonPredicateProvider extends PredicateProvider _listener: {} constructor: (@framework) -> parsePredicate: (input, context) -> matchCount = 0 matchingDevice = null matchingButtonId = null end = () => matchCount++ onButtonMatch = (m, {device, buttonId}) => matchingDevice = device matchingButtonId = buttonId buttonsWithId = [] for id, d of @framework.deviceManager.devices continue unless d instanceof env.devices.ButtonsDevice for b in d.config.buttons buttonsWithId.push [{device: d, buttonId:},] buttonsWithId.push [{device: d, buttonId:}, b.text] if isnt b.text m = M(input, context) .match('the ', optional: true) .match(buttonsWithId, onButtonMatch) .match(' button', optional: true) .match(' is', optional: true) .match(' pressed') if m.hadMatch() match = m.getFullMatch() return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) predicateHandler: new ButtonPredicateHandler(this, matchingDevice, matchingButtonId) } return null class ButtonPredicateHandler extends PredicateHandler constructor: (@provider, @device, @buttonId) -> assert @device? and @device instanceof env.devices.ButtonsDevice assert @buttonId? and typeof @buttonId is "string" setup: -> @buttonPressedListener = ( (id) => if id is @buttonId @emit 'change', 'event' ) @device.on 'button', @buttonPressedListener super() getValue: -> Promise.resolve(false) destroy: -> @device.removeListener 'button', @buttonPressedListener super() getType: -> 'event' return exports = { PredicateProvider PredicateHandler PresencePredicateProvider SwitchPredicateProvider DeviceAttributePredicateProvider VariablePredicateProvider ContactPredicateProvider ButtonPredicateProvider DeviceAttributeWatchdogProvider }