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Action Provider

A Action Provider can parse a action of a rule string and returns an Action Handler for that. The Action Handler offers a executeAction method to execute the action. For actions and rule explenations take a look at the rules file.

__ = require("i18n").__ Promise = require 'bluebird' assert = require 'cassert' _ = require('lodash') S = require('string') M = require './matcher' module.exports = (env) ->

The ActionProvider

The base class for all Action Providers. If you want to provide actions in your plugin then you should create a sub class that implements the parseAction function.

class ActionProvider


This function should parse the given input string input and return a ActionHandler if it can handle the by the input described action else it should return null.

parseAction: (input, context) => throw new Error("Your ActionProvider must implement parseAction")

The Action Handler

The base class for all Action Handler. If you want to provide actions in your plugin then you should create a sub class that implements a executeAction function.

class ActionHandler


Ìt should return a promise that gets fulfilled with describing string, that explains what was done or would be done.

If simulate is true the Action Handler should not execute the action. It should just return a promise fulfilled with a descrbing string like "would ...".

Take a look at the Log Action Handler for a simple example.

executeAction: (simulate) => throw new Error("should be implemented by a subclass") hasRestoreAction: => no executeRestoreAction: (simulate) => throw new Error( "executeRestoreAction must be implemented when hasRestoreAction returns true" )

The Log Action Provider

Provides log action, so that rules can use log "some string" in the actions part. It just prints the given string to the logger.

class LogActionProvider extends ActionProvider constructor: (@framework) -> parseAction: (input, context) -> stringToLogTokens = null fullMatch = no setLogString = (m, tokens) => stringToLogTokens = tokens m = M(input, context) .match("log ") .matchStringWithVars(setLogString) if m.hadMatch() match = m.getFullMatch() return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) actionHandler: new LogActionHandler(@framework, stringToLogTokens) } else return null class LogActionHandler extends ActionHandler constructor: (@framework, @stringToLogTokens) -> executeAction: (simulate, context) -> @framework.variableManager.evaluateStringExpression(@stringToLogTokens).then( (strToLog) => if simulate

just return a promise fulfilled with a description about what we would do.

return __("would log \"%s\"", strToLog) else

else we should log the string. But we don't do this because the framework logs the description anyway. So we would doubly log it. stringToLog return strToLog )

The SetVariable ActionProvider

Provides log action, so that rules can use log "some string" in the actions part. It just prints the given string to the logger.

class SetVariableActionProvider extends ActionProvider constructor: (@framework) -> parseAction: (input, context) -> result = null varsAndFunsWriteable = @framework.variableManager.getVariablesAndFunctions(readonly: false) M(input, context) .match("set ", optional: yes) .matchVariable(varsAndFunsWriteable, (next, variableName) => next.match([" to ", " := ", " = "], (next) => next.matchNumericExpression( (next, rightTokens) => match = next.getFullMatch() variableName = variableName.substring(1) result = { variableName, rightTokens, match } ) ) ) if result? variables = @framework.variableManager.extractVariables(result.rightTokens) unless @framework.variableManager.isVariableDefined(result.variableName) context.addError("Variable $#{result.variableName} is not defined.") return null for v in variables? unless @framework.variableManager.isVariableDefined(v) context.addError("Variable $#{v} is not defined.") return null return { token: result.match nextInput: input.substring(result.match.length) actionHandler: new SetVariableActionHandler( @framework, result.variableName, result.rightTokens ) } else return null class SetVariableActionHandler extends ActionHandler constructor: (@framework, @variableName, @rightTokens) -> executeAction: (simulate, context) -> if simulate

just return a promise fulfilled with a description about what we would do.

return Promise.resolve __("would set $%s to value of %s", @variableName, _(@rightTokens).reduce( (left, right) => "#{left} #{right}" ) ) else return @framework.variableManager.evaluateNumericExpression(@rightTokens).then( (value) => @framework.variableManager.setVariableToValue(@variableName, value) return Promise.resolve("set $#{@variableName} to #{value}") )

The Switch Action Provider

Provides the ability to switch devices on or off. Currently it handles the following actions:

  • switch [the] device on|off
  • turn [the] device on|off
  • switch on|off [the] device
  • turn on|off [the] device

where device is the name or id of a device and "the" is optional.

class SwitchActionProvider extends ActionProvider constructor: (@framework) ->


Parses the above actions.

parseAction: (input, context) =>

The result the function will return:

retVar = null switchDevices = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values().filter( (device) => device.hasAction("turnOn") and device.hasAction("turnOff") ).value() device = null state = null match = null

Try to match the input string with: turn|switch ->

m = M(input, context).match(['turn ', 'switch '])

device name -> on|off

m.matchDevice(switchDevices, (m, d) -> m.match([' on', ' off'], (m, s) ->

Already had a match with another device?

if device? and isnt context?.addError(""""#{input.trim()}" is ambiguous.""") return device = d state = s.trim() match = m.getFullMatch() ) )

on|off -> deviceName

m.match(['on ', 'off '], (m, s) -> m.matchDevice(switchDevices, (m, d) ->

Already had a match with another device?

if device? and isnt context?.addError(""""#{input.trim()}" is ambiguous.""") return device = d state = s.trim() match = m.getFullMatch() ) ) if match? assert device? assert state in ['on', 'off'] assert typeof match is "string" state = (state is 'on') return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) actionHandler: new SwitchActionHandler(device, state) } else return null class SwitchActionHandler extends ActionHandler constructor: (@device, @state) ->

Handles the above actions.

_doExectuteAction: (simulate, state) => return ( if simulate if state then Promise.resolve __("would turn %s on", else Promise.resolve __("would turn %s off", else if state then @device.turnOn().then( => __("turned %s on", ) else @device.turnOff().then( => __("turned %s off", ) )
executeAction: (simulate) => @_doExectuteAction(simulate, @state)
hasRestoreAction: -> yes
executeRestoreAction: (simulate) => @_doExectuteAction(simulate, (not @state))

The Toggle Action Provider

Provides the ability to toggle switch devices on or off. Currently it handles the following actions:

  • toggle the state of device
  • toggle the state of [the] device
  • toggle device state
  • toggle [the] device state

where device is the name or id of a device and "the" is optional.

class ToggleActionProvider extends ActionProvider constructor: (@framework) ->


Parses the above actions.

parseAction: (input, context) =>

The result the function will return:

retVar = null switchDevices = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values().filter( (device) => device.hasAction("toggle") ).value() if switchDevices.length is 0 then return device = null match = null onDeviceMatch = ( (m, d) -> device = d; match = m.getFullMatch() ) m = M(input, context) .match('toggle ') .or([ ( (m) => return m.match('the state of ', optional: yes) .matchDevice(switchDevices, onDeviceMatch) ), ( (m) => return m.matchDevice(switchDevices, (m, d) -> return m.match(' state', optional: yes, (m)-> onDeviceMatch(m, d) ) ) ) ]) if match? assert device? assert typeof match is "string" return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) actionHandler: new ToggleActionHandler(device) } else return null class ToggleActionHandler extends ActionHandler constructor: (@device) -> #nop
executeAction: (simulate) => return ( if simulate Promise.resolve __("would toggle state of %s", else @device.toggle().then( => __("toggled state of %s", ) )

The Shutter Action Provider

Provides the ability to raise or lower a shutter

  • lower [the] device [down]
  • raise [the] device [up]
  • move [the] device up|down

where device is the name or id of a device and "the" is optional.

class ShutterActionProvider extends ActionProvider constructor: (@framework) ->


Parses the above actions.

parseAction: (input, context) => shutterDevices = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values().filter( (device) => device.hasAction("moveUp") and device.hasAction("moveDown") ).value() device = null position = null match = null

Try to match the input string with: raise|up ->

m = M(input, context).match(['raise ', 'lower ', 'move '], (m, a) =>

device name -> up|down

m.matchDevice(shutterDevices, (m, d) -> [p, nt] = ( switch a.trim() when 'raise' then ['up', ' up'] when 'lower' then ['down', ' down'] else [null, [" up", " down"] ] ) last = m.match(nt, {optional: a.trim() isnt 'move'}, (m, po) -> p = po.trim() ) if last.hadMatch()

Already had a match with another device?

if device? and isnt context?.addError(""""#{input.trim()}" is ambiguous.""") return device = d position = p match = last.getFullMatch() ) ) if match? assert device? assert position in ['down', 'up'] assert typeof match is "string" return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) actionHandler: new ShutterActionHandler(device, position) } else return null class ShutterActionHandler extends ActionHandler constructor: (@device, @position) ->
executeAction: (simulate) => return ( if simulate if @position is 'up' then Promise.resolve __("would raise %s", else Promise.resolve __("would lower %s", else if @position is 'up' then @device.moveUp().then( => __("raised %s", ) else @device.moveDown().then( => __("lowered %s", ) )
hasRestoreAction: -> @device.hasAction('stop')
executeRestoreAction: (simulate) => if simulate then Promise.resolve __("would stop %s", else @device.stop().then( => __("stopped %s", )

The Shutter Stop Action Provider

Provides the ability to stop a shutter

  • stop [the] device

where device is the name or id of a device and "the" is optional.

class StopShutterActionProvider extends ActionProvider constructor: (@framework) ->


Parses the above actions.

parseAction: (input, context) => shutterDevices = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values().filter( (device) => device.hasAction("stop") ).value() device = null match = null

Try to match the input string with: stop ->

m = M(input, context).match("stop ", (m, a) =>

device name -> up|down

m.matchDevice(shutterDevices, (m, d) ->

Already had a match with another device?

if device? and isnt context?.addError(""""#{input.trim()}" is ambiguous.""") return device = d match = m.getFullMatch() ) ) if match? assert device? assert typeof match is "string" return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) actionHandler: new StopShutterActionHandler(device) } else return null class StopShutterActionHandler extends ActionHandler constructor: (@device) ->
executeAction: (simulate) => return ( if simulate Promise.resolve __("would stop %s", else @device.stop().then( => __("stopped %s", ) )
hasRestoreAction: -> false

The Dimmer Action Provider

Provides the ability to change the dim level of dimmer devices. Currently it handles the following actions:

  • dim [the] device to value%

where device is the name or id of a device and "the" is optional.

class DimmerActionProvider extends ActionProvider constructor: (@framework) ->


Parses the above actions.

parseAction: (input, context) =>

The result the function will return:

retVar = null dimmers = _(@framework.deviceManager.devices).values().filter( (device) => device.hasAction("changeDimlevelTo") ).value() if dimmers.length is 0 then return device = null valueTokens = null match = null

Try to match the input string with:

M(input, context) .match('dim ') .matchDevice(dimmers, (next, d) => next.match(' to ') .matchNumericExpression( (next, ts) => m = next.match('%', optional: yes) if device? and isnt context?.addError(""""#{input.trim()}" is ambiguous.""") return device = d valueTokens = ts match = m.getFullMatch() ) ) if match? if valueTokens.length is 1 and not isNaN(valueTokens[0]) value = valueTokens[0] assert(not isNaN(value)) value = parseFloat(value) if value < 0.0 context?.addError("Can't dim to a negativ dimlevel.") return if value > 100.0 context?.addError("Can't dim to greaer than 100%.") return return { token: match nextInput: input.substring(match.length) actionHandler: new DimmerActionHandler(@framework, device, valueTokens) } else return null class DimmerActionHandler extends ActionHandler constructor: (@framework, @device, @valueTokens) -> assert @device? assert @valueTokens? _clampVal: (value) -> assert(not isNaN(value)) return (switch when value > 100 then 100 when value < 0 then 0 else value )

Handles the above actions.

_doExecuteAction: (simulate, value) => return ( if simulate __("would dim %s to %s%%",, value) else @device.changeDimlevelTo(value).then( => __("dimmed %s to %s%%",, value) ) )
executeAction: (simulate) => @framework.variableManager.evaluateNumericExpression(@valueTokens).then( (value) => value = @_clampVal value @lastValue = value return @_doExecuteAction(simulate, value) )
hasRestoreAction: -> yes
executeRestoreAction: (simulate) => Promise.resolve(@_doExecuteAction(simulate, @lastValue))

Export the classes so that they can be accessed by the framework

return exports = { ActionHandler ActionProvider SetVariableActionProvider SwitchActionProvider DimmerActionProvider LogActionProvider ShutterActionProvider StopShutterActionProvider ToggleActionProvider }