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module.exports = (env) -> Promise = env.require 'bluebird' assert = env.require 'cassert' _ = env.require 'lodash' exec = Promise.promisify(require("child_process").exec) class Sispmctl extends env.plugins.Plugin init: (app, @framework, @config) => @checkBinary() deviceConfigDef = require("./device-config-schema") @framework.deviceManager.registerDeviceClass("SispmctlSwitch", { configDef: deviceConfigDef.SispmctlSwitch, createCallback: (config) => new SispmctlSwitch(config) }) checkBinary: -> exec("#{@config.binary} -v").catch( (error) -> if error.message.match "not found" env.logger.error "sispmctl binary not found. Check your config!" ).done() plugin = new Sispmctl class SispmctlSwitch extends env.devices.PowerSwitch constructor: (@config) -> @name = @id = super() getState: () -> if @_state? then return Promise.resolve @_state

Built the sispmctrl command to get the outlet status

command = "#{plugin.config.binary} -q -n" # quiet and numerical command += " -d #{@config.device}" # select the device command += " -g #{@config.outletUnit}" # get status of the outlet

and execue it.

return exec(command).then( (streams) => stdout = streams[0] stderr = streams[1] stdout = stdout.trim() switch stdout when "1" @_state = on return Promise.resolve @_state when "0" @_state = off return Promise.resolve @_state else env.logger.debug stderr throw new Error "SispmctlSwitch: unknown state=\"#{stdout}\"!" ) changeStateTo: (state) -> if @state is state then return

Built the sispmctrl command

command = "#{plugin.config.binary}" command += " -d #{@config.device}" # select the device command += " " + (if state then "-o" else "-f") # do on or off command += " " + @config.outletUnit # select the outlet

and execue it.

return exec(command).then( (streams) => stdout = streams[0] stderr = streams[1] env.logger.debug stderr if stderr.length isnt 0 @_setState(state) ) return plugin