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pimatic shell execute plugin

This plugin let you define devices that execute shell commands. Additonal it allowes you to execute shell commands in rule actions. So you can define rules of the form:

if ... then execute "some command"


You can load the plugin by editing your config.json to include:

   "plugin": "shell-execute"

Devices can be defined by adding them to the devices section in the config file. Set the class attribute to ShellSwitch. For example:

  "id": "light",
  "name": "Lamp",
  "class": "ShellSwitch", 
  "onCommand": "echo on",
  "offCommand": "echo off"

Or you can define a sensor which attributes gets updated with the output of shell command:

  "id": "temperature",
  "name": "Room Temperature",
  "class": "ShellSensor", 
  "attributeName": "temperature",
  "attributeType": "number",
  "attributeUnit": "°C",
  "command": "echo 42.0"

For device configuration options see the device-config-schema file.