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Rule System

This file handles the parsing and executing of rules.

What's a rule

A rule is a string that has the format: "if this then that". The this part will be called the condition of the rule and the that the actions of the rule.


  • if its 10pm then turn the tv off
  • if its friday and its 8am then turn the light on
  • if [music is playing or the light is on] and somebody is present then turn the speaker on
  • if temperatue of living room is below 15°C for 5 minutes then log "its getting cold"

The condition and predicates

The condition of a rule consists of one or more predicates. The predicates can be combined with "and", "or" and can be grouped by parentheses ('[' and ']'). A predicate is either true or false at a given time. There are special predicates, called event-predicates, that represent events. These predicate are just true in the moment a special event happen.

Each predicate is handled by an Predicate Provider. Take a look at the predicates file for more details.


A predicate can have a "for" as a suffix like in "music is playing for 5 seconds" or "tv is on for 2 hours". If the predicate has a for-suffix then the rule action is only triggered, when the predicate stays true the given time. Predicates that represent one time events like "10pm" can't have a for-suffix because the condition can never hold.

The actions

The actions of a rule can consists of one or more actions. Each action describes a command that should be executed when the confition of the rule is true. Take a look at the for more details.

assert = require 'cassert' util = require 'util' Promise = require 'bluebird' _ = require 'lodash' S = require 'string' M = require './matcher' require "date-format-lite" milliseconds = require './milliseconds' rulesAst = require './rules-ast-builder' module.exports = (env) -> class Rule id: null name: null string: null active: null valid: null logging: null

Condition as string

conditionToken: null

Actions as string

actionsToken: null


predicates: null

Rule as tokens

tokens: null


actions: null

Error message if not valid

error: null

Time the rule was last executed

lastExecuteTime: null conditionExprTree: null constructor: (@id, @name, @string) -> assert typeof @id is "string" assert typeof @name is "string" assert typeof @string is "string" update: (fromRule) -> assert @id is @name = @string = fromRule.string @active = @valid = fromRule.valid @logging = fromRule.logging @conditionToken = fromRule.conditionToken @actionsToken = fromRule.actionsToken @predicates = fromRule.predicates @tokens = fromRule.tokens @actions = fromRule.actions @error = fromRule.error @lastExecuteTime = fromRule.lastExecuteTime @conditionExprTree = fromRule.conditionExprTree toJson: -> { id: @id name: @name string: @string active: @active valid: @valid logging: @logging conditionToken: @conditionToken actionsToken: @actionsToken error: @error }

The Rule Manager

The Rule Manager holds a collection of rules. Rules can be added to this collection. When a rule is added the rule is parsed by the Rule Manager and for each predicate a Predicate Provider will be searched. Predicate Provider that should be considered can be added to the Rule Manager.

If all predicates of the added rule can be handled by an Predicate Provider for each action of the actions of the rule a Action Handler is searched. Action Handler can be added to the Rule Manager, too.

class RuleManager extends require('events').EventEmitter

Array of the added rules If a rule was successfully added, the rule has the form:

id: 'some-id'
name: 'some name'
string: 'if its 10pm and light is on then turn the light off'
conditionToken: 'its 10pm and light is on'
predicates: [
  { id: 'some-id0'
    provider: the corresponding provider },
  { id: 'some-id1'
    provider: the corresponding provider }
tokens: ['predicate', '(', 0, ')', 'and', 
         'predicate', '(', 1, ')' ] 
action: 'turn the light off'
active: false or true

If the rule had an error:

id: id
string: 'if bla then blub'
error: 'Could not find a provider that decides bla'
active: false 
rules: {}

Array of ActionHandlers: see

actionProviders: []

Array of predicateProviders: see

predicateProviders: [] constructor: (@framework) -> addActionProvider: (ah) -> @actionProviders.push ah addPredicateProvider: (pv) -> @predicateProviders.push pv


This function parses a rule given by a string and returns a rule object. A rule string is for example 'if its 10pm and light is on then turn the light off' it get parsed to the follwoing rule object:

id: 'some-id'
string: 'if its 10pm and light is on then turn the light off'
conditionToken: 'its 10pm and light is on'
predicates: [
  { id: 'some-id0'
    provider: the corresponding provider },
  { id: 'some-id1'
    provider: the corresponding provider }
tokens: ['predicate', '(', 0, ')', 'and', 
         'predicate', '(', 1, ')' ] 
action: 'turn the light off'
active: false or true

The function returns a promise!

_parseRuleString: (id, name, ruleString, context) -> assert id? and typeof id is "string" and id.length isnt 0 assert name? and typeof name is "string" assert ruleString? and typeof ruleString is "string" rule = new Rule(id, name, ruleString)

Allways return a promise

return Promise.try( =>

First take the string apart, so that

parts = ["", "its 10pm and light is on", "turn the light off"].
parts = ruleString.split /^if\s|\sthen\s/

Check for the right parts count. Note the empty string at the beginning.

switch when parts.length < 3 throw new Error('The rule must start with "if" and contain a "then" part!') when parts.length > 3 throw new Error('The rule must exactly contain one "if" and one "then"!')

Then extraxt the condition and actions from the rule

rule.conditionToken = "its 10pm and light is on"
rule.actions = "turn the light off"
rule.conditionToken = parts[1].trim() rule.actionsToken = parts[2].trim() if rule.conditionToken.length is 0 throw new Error("Condition part of rule #{id} is empty.") if rule.actionsToken.length is 0 throw new Error("Actions part of rule #{id} is empty.") result = @_parseRuleCondition(id, rule.conditionToken, context) rule.predicates = result.predicates rule.tokens = result.tokens unless context.hasErrors() result = @_parseRuleActions(id, rule.actionsToken, context) rule.actions = result.actions rule.actionToken = result.tokens rule.conditionExprTree = (new rulesAst.BoolExpressionTreeBuilder()) .build(rule.tokens, rule.predicates) return rule ) _parseRuleCondition: (id, conditionString, context) -> assert typeof id is "string" and id.length isnt 0 assert typeof conditionString is "string" assert context?

Split the condition in a token stream. For example:

"12:30 and temperature > 10"


['12:30', 'and', 'temperature > 30 C']

Then we replace all predicates with tokens of the following form

tokens = ['predicate', '(', 0, ')', 'and', 'predicate', '(', 1, ')']

and remember the predicates:

predicates = [ {token: '12:30'}, {token: 'temperature > 10'}]
predicates = [] tokens = []

For each token

nextInput = conditionString success = yes openedParentheseCount = 0 while (not context.hasErrors()) and nextInput.length isnt 0 M(nextInput, context).matchOpenParenthese('[', (next, ptokens) => tokens = tokens.concat ptokens openedParentheseCount += ptokens.length nextInput = next.getRemainingInput() ) i = predicates.length predId = "prd-#{id}-#{i}" { predicate, token, nextInput } = @_parsePredicate(predId, nextInput, context) unless context.hasErrors() predicates.push(predicate) tokens = tokens.concat ["predicate", "(", i, ")"] M(nextInput, context).matchCloseParenthese(']', openedParentheseCount, (next, ptokens) => tokens = tokens.concat ptokens openedParentheseCount -= ptokens.length nextInput = next.getRemainingInput() )

Try to match " and ", " or ", ...

possibleTokens = [' and ', ' or '] onMatch = (m, s) => tokens.push s.trim() m = M(nextInput, context).match(possibleTokens, onMatch) unless nextInput.length is 0 if m.hadNoMatch() context.addError("""Expected one of: "and", "or", "]".""") else token = m.getFullMatch() assert S(nextInput.toLowerCase()).startsWith(token.toLowerCase()) nextInput = nextInput.substring(token.length) return { predicates: predicates tokens: tokens } _parsePredicate: (predId, nextInput, context) => assert typeof predId is "string" and predId.length isnt 0 assert typeof nextInput is "string" assert context? predicate = id: predId token: null handler: null for: null justTrigger: null token = ''

trigger keyword?

m = M(nextInput, context).match(["trigger: "]) if m.hadMatch() match = m.getFullMatch() token += match nextInput = nextInput.substring(match.length) predicate.justTrigger = yes else predicate.justTrigger = no

find a prdicate provider for that can parse and decide the predicate:

parseResults = [] for predProvider in @predicateProviders parseResult = predProvider.parsePredicate(nextInput, context) if parseResult? assert parseResult.token? and parseResult.token.length > 0 assert parseResult.nextInput? and typeof parseResult.nextInput is "string" assert parseResult.predicateHandler? assert parseResult.predicateHandler instanceof env.predicates.PredicateHandler parseResults.push parseResult switch parseResults.length when 0 context.addError( """Could not find an provider that decides next predicate of "#{nextInput}".""" ) when 1

get part of nextInput that is related to the found provider

parseResult = parseResults[0] token += parseResult.token assert parseResult.token? assert S(nextInput.toLowerCase()).startsWith(parseResult.token.toLowerCase()) predicate.token = parseResult.token nextInput = parseResult.nextInput predicate.handler = parseResult.predicateHandler timeParseResult = @_parseTimePart(nextInput, " for ", context) if timeParseResult? token += timeParseResult.token nextInput = timeParseResult.nextInput predicate.for = { token: timeParseResult.timeToken exprTokens: timeParseResult.timeExprTokens unit: timeParseResult.unit } if predicate.justTrigger and predicate.for? context.addError( "\"#{token}\" is markes as trigger, it can't be true for \"#{redicate.token}\"." ) if predicate.handler.getType() is 'event' and predicate.for? context.addError( "\"#{token}\" is an event it can't be true for \"#{redicate.token}\"." ) else context.addError( """Next predicate of "#{nextInput}" is ambiguous.""" ) return { predicate, token, nextInput } _parseTimePart: (nextInput, prefixToken, context, options = null) ->

Parse the for-Suffix:

timeExprTokens = null unit = null onTimeduration = (m, tp) => timeExprTokens = tp.tokens unit = tp.unit varsAndFuns = @framework.variableManager.getVariablesAndFunctions() m = M(nextInput, context) .match(prefixToken, options) .matchTimeDurationExpression(varsAndFuns, onTimeduration) unless m.hadNoMatch() token = m.getFullMatch() assert S(nextInput).startsWith(token) timeToken = S(token).chompLeft(prefixToken).s nextInput = nextInput.substring(token.length) return {token, nextInput, timeToken, timeExprTokens, unit} else return null _parseRuleActions: (id, nextInput, context) -> assert typeof id is "string" and id.length isnt 0 assert typeof nextInput is "string" assert context? actions = [] tokens = []

For each token

success = yes openedParentheseCount = 0 while (not context.hasErrors()) and nextInput.length isnt 0 i = actions.length actionId = "act-#{id}-#{i}" { action, token, nextInput } = @_parseAction(actionId, nextInput, context) unless context.hasErrors() actions.push action tokens = tokens.concat ['action', '(', i, ')']

actions.push { token: token handler:

# onMatch = (m, s) => tokens.push s.trim() m = M(nextInput, context).match([' and '], onMatch) unless nextInput.length is 0 if m.hadNoMatch() context.addError("Expected: \"and\", got \"#{nextInput}\"") else token = m.getFullMatch() assert S(nextInput.toLowerCase()).startsWith(token.toLowerCase()) nextInput = nextInput.substring(token.length) return { actions: actions tokens: tokens } _parseAction: (actionId, nextInput, context) => assert typeof nextInput is "string" assert context? token = null action = id: actionId token: null handler: null after: null for: null parseAfter = (type) => prefixToken = (if type is "prefix" then "after " else " after ") timeParseResult = @_parseTimePart(nextInput, prefixToken, context) if timeParseResult? nextInput = timeParseResult.nextInput if type is 'prefix' if nextInput.length > 0 and nextInput[0] is ' ' nextInput = nextInput.substring(1) action.after = { token: timeParseResult.timeToken exprTokens: timeParseResult.timeExprTokens unit: timeParseResult.unit }

Try to macth after as prefix: after 10 seconds log "42"


find a prdicate provider for that can parse and decide the predicate:

parseResults = [] for actProvider in @actionProviders parseResult = actProvider.parseAction(nextInput, context) if parseResult? assert parseResult.token? and parseResult.token.length > 0 assert parseResult.nextInput? and typeof parseResult.nextInput is "string" assert parseResult.actionHandler? assert parseResult.actionHandler instanceof env.actions.ActionHandler parseResults.push parseResult switch parseResults.length when 0 context.addError( """Could not find an provider that provides the next action of "#{nextInput}".""" ) when 1

get part of nextInput that is related to the found provider

parseResult = parseResults[0] token = parseResult.token assert token? assert S(nextInput.toLowerCase()).startsWith(parseResult.token.toLowerCase()) action.token = token nextInput = parseResult.nextInput action.handler = parseResult.actionHandler

try to match after as suffix: log "42" after 10 seconds

unless action.after? parseAfter('suffix')

try to parse "for 10 seconds"

forSuffixAllowed = action.handler.hasRestoreAction() timeParseResult = @_parseTimePart(nextInput, " for ", context, { acFilter: () => forSuffixAllowed }) if timeParseResult? nextInput = timeParseResult.nextInput action.for = { token: timeParseResult.timeToken exprTokens: timeParseResult.timeExprTokens unit: timeParseResult.unit } if action.for? and forSuffixAllowed is no context.addError( """Action "#{action.token}" can't have an "for"-Suffix.""" ) else context.addError( """Next action of "#{nextInput}" is ambiguous.""" ) return { action, token, nextInput }


Register for every predicate the callback function that should be called when the predicate becomes true.

_addPredicateChangeListener: (rule) -> assert rule? assert rule.predicates? setupTime = (new Date()).getTime()

For all predicate providers

for p in rule.predicates do (p) => assert(not p.changeListener?) p.lastChange = setupTime p.handler.setup()

let us be notified when the predicate state changes.

p.handler.on 'change', changeListener = (state) => assert state is 'event' or state is true or state is false p.lastChange = (new Date()).getTime() #If the state is true then call the `whenPredicateIsTrue` function. if state is true or state is 'event' whenPredicateIsTrue rule,, state p.changeListener = changeListener

This function should be called by a provider if a predicate becomes true.

whenPredicateIsTrue = (rule, predicateId, state) => assert rule? assert predicateId? and typeof predicateId is "string" and predicateId.length isnt 0 assert state is 'event' or state is true

if not active, then nothing to do

unless then return

Then mark the given predicate as true

knownPredicates = {} knownPredicates[predicateId] = true

and check if the rule is now true.

@_doesRuleCondtionHold(rule, knownPredicates).then( (isTrue) =>

if the rule is now true, then execute its action

if isTrue return @_executeRuleActionsAndLogResult(rule) ).catch( (error) => env.logger.error """ Error on evaluation of rule condition of rule #{}: #{error.message} """ env.logger.debug error ) return


Cancels for every predicate the callback that should be called when the predicate becomes true.

_removePredicateChangeListener: (rule) -> assert rule?

Then cancel the notifier for all predicates

if rule.valid for p in rule.predicates do (p) => assert typeof p.changeListener is "function" p.handler.removeListener 'change', p.changeListener delete p.changeListener p.handler.destroy() _cancelScheduledActions: (rule) -> assert rule?

Then cancel the notifier for all predicates

if rule.valid for action in rule.actions if action.scheduled? action.scheduled.cancel( "canceling schedule of action #{action.token}" )
addRuleByString: (id, {name, ruleString, active, logging}, force = false) -> assert id? and typeof id is "string" and id.length isnt 0 assert name? and typeof name is "string" assert ruleString? and typeof ruleString is "string" assert (if active? then typeof active is "boolean" else true) assert (if logging? then typeof logging is "boolean" else true) assert (if force? then typeof force is "boolean" else true) unless active? then active = yes unless logging? then logging = yes unless id.match /^[a-z0-9\-_]+$/i then throw new Error "rule id must only contain " + "alpha numerical symbols, \"-\" and \"_\"" if @rules[id]? then throw new Error "There is already a rule with the id \"#{id}\"" context = @_createParseContext()

First parse the rule.

return @_parseRuleString(id, name, ruleString, context).then( (rule) => rule.logging = logging

If we have parse error we don't need to continue here

if context.hasErrors() error = new Error context.getErrorsAsString() error.rule = rule error.context = context throw error @_addPredicateChangeListener rule

If the rules was successful parsed add it to the rule array. = active rule.valid = yes @rules[id] = rule @emit "ruleAdded", rule

Check if the condition of the rule is allready true.

if active @_doesRuleCondtionHold(rule).then( (isTrue) =>

If the confition is true then execute the action.

if isTrue return @_executeRuleActionsAndLogResult(rule) ).catch( (error) => env.logger.error """ Error on evaluation of rule condition of rule #{}: #{error.message} """ env.logger.debug error.stack ) return ).catch( (error) =>

If there was an error pasring the rule, but the rule is forced to be added, then add the rule with an error.

if force if error.rule? rule = error.rule rule.error = error.message = false rule.valid = no @rules[id] = rule @emit 'ruleAdded', rule else env.logger.error 'Could not force add rule, because error had no rule attribute.' env.logger.debug error.stack throw error )


Removes a rule, from the Rule Manager.

removeRule: (id) -> assert id? and typeof id is "string" and id.length isnt 0 throw new Error("Invalid ruleId: \"#{id}\"") unless @rules[id]?

First get the rule from the rule array.

rule = @rules[id]

Then get cancel all notifies

@_removePredicateChangeListener(rule) @_cancelScheduledActions(rule)

and delete the rule from the array

delete @rules[id]

and emit the event.

@emit "ruleRemoved", rule return
updateRuleByString: (id, {name, ruleString, active, logging}) -> assert id? and typeof id is "string" and id.length isnt 0 assert (if name? then typeof name is "string" else true) assert (if ruleString? then typeof ruleString is "string" else true) assert (if active? then typeof active is "boolean" else true) assert (if logging? then typeof logging is "boolean" else true) throw new Error("Invalid ruleId: \"#{id}\"") unless @rules[id]? rule = @rules[id] unless name? then name = unless ruleString? then ruleString = rule.string context = @_createParseContext()

First try to parse the updated ruleString.

return @_parseRuleString(id, name, ruleString, context).then( (newRule) => if context.hasErrors() error = new Error context.getErrorsAsString() error.rule = newRule error.context = context throw error

Set the properties for the new rule

newRule.valid = yes = if active? then active else newRule.logging = if logging? then logging else rule.logging

If the rule was successfully parsed then update the rule

if rule isnt @rules[id] throw new Error("Rule #{} was removed while updating")

and cancel the notifier for the old predicates.

@_removePredicateChangeListener(rule) @_cancelScheduledActions(rule)

We do that to keep the old rule object and not use the new one


and register the new ones:


and emit the event.

@emit "ruleChanged", rule

Then check if the condition of the rule is now true.

if @_doesRuleCondtionHold(rule).then( (isTrue) =>

If the condition is true then exectue the action.

return if isTrue then @_executeRuleActionsAndLogResult(rule) ).catch( (error) => env.logger.error """ Error on evaluation of rule condition of rule #{}: #{error.message} """ env.logger.debug error ) return )


This function returnes a promise thatwill be fulfilled with true if the condition of the rule is true. This function ignores all the "for"-suffixes of predicates. The knownPredicates is an object containing a value for each predicate for that the state is already known.

_evaluateConditionOfRule: (rule, knownPredicates = {}) -> assert rule? and rule instanceof Object assert knownPredicates? and knownPredicates instanceof Object return rule.conditionExprTree.evaluate(knownPredicates)


The same as _evaluateConditionOfRule but does not ignore the for-suffixes.

_doesRuleCondtionHold: (rule, knownPredicates = {}) -> assert rule? and typeof rule is "object" assert knownPredicates? and knownPredicates instanceof Object

First evaluate the condition and

return @_evaluateConditionOfRule(rule, knownPredicates).then( (isTrue) =>

if the condition is false then the condition con not hold, because it is already false so return false.

unless isTrue then return false

Some predicates could have a 'for'-Suffix like 'for 10 seconds' then the predicates must at least hold for 10 seconds to be true, so we have to wait 10 seconds to decide if the rule is realy true

Create a deferred that will be resolve with the return value when the decision can be made.

return new Promise( (resolve, reject) =>

We will collect all predicates that have a for suffix and are not yet decideable in an awaiting list.

awaiting = {}

Whenever an awaiting predicate gets resolved then we will revalidate the rule condition.

reevaluateCondition = () => return @_evaluateConditionOfRule(rule, knownPredicates).then( (isTrueNew) =>

If it is true

if isTrueNew

then resolve the return value as true

resolve true

and cancel all awaitings.

for id, a of awaiting a.cancel() return

Else check if we have awaiting predicates. If we have no awaiting predicates

if (id for id of awaiting).length is 0

then we can resolve the return value as false

resolve false ).catch( (error) => env.logger.error """ Error on evaluation of rule condition of rule #{}: #{error.message} """ env.logger.debug error reject error.message ) predsWithForTime = [] for pred in rule.predicates do (pred) => if pred.for?

If it has a for suffix and its an event something gone wrong, because an event can't hold (its just one time)

assert pred.handler.getType() is 'state' promise = @_evaluateTimeExpr( pred.for.exprTokens, pred.for.unit ).then( (ms) => [pred, ms] ) predsWithForTime.push(promise) nowTime = (new Date()).getTime()

Fill the awaiting list: Check for each predicate,

return Promise.each(predsWithForTime, ([pred, forTime]) => assert pred.lastChange?

The time since last change

lastChangeTimeDiff = nowTime - pred.lastChange

Time to wait till condition becomes true, if not change occures

timeToWait = forTime - lastChangeTimeDiff if timeToWait > 0

Mark that we are awaiting the result

awaiting[] = {}

and as long as we are awaiting the result, the predicate is false.

knownPredicates[] = false

When the time passes

timeout = setTimeout( ( => knownPredicates[] = true

the predicate remains true and no value is awaited anymore.

awaiting[].cancel() reevaluateCondition() ), timeToWait)

Let us be notified when it becomes false.

pred.handler.on 'change', changeListener = (state) => assert state is true or state is false

If it changes to false

if state is false

then the predicate is false

knownPredicates[] = false

and clear the timeout.

awaiting[].cancel() reevaluateCondition() awaiting[].cancel = => delete awaiting[] clearTimeout timeout

and we can cancel the notify

pred.handler.removeListener 'change', changeListener return ).then( =>

If we have not found awaiting predicates

if (id for id of awaiting).length is 0

then resolve the return value to true.

resolve true ).catch( (error) =>

Cancel all awatting changeHandler

for id, a of awaiting a.cancel() throw error ) ) )


Executes the actions of the string using executeAction and logs the result to the env.logger.

_executeRuleActionsAndLogResult: (rule) -> currentTime = (new Date).getTime() if rule.lastExecuteTime? delta = currentTime - rule.lastExecuteTime if delta <= 500 env.logger.debug "Suppressing rule #{} execute because it was executed resently." return Promise.resolve() rule.lastExecuteTime = currentTime actionResults = @_executeRuleActions(rule, false) logMessageForResult = (actionResult) => return actionResult.then( (result) => [message, next] = ( if typeof result is "string" then [result, null] else assert Array.isArray result assert result.length is 2 result ) if rule.logging "rule #{}: #{message}" if next? assert next.then? next = logMessageForResult(next) return [message, next] ).catch( (error) => env.logger.error "rule #{} error executing an action: #{error.message}" env.logger.debug error.stack ) for actionResult in actionResults actionResult = logMessageForResult(actionResult) return Promise.all(actionResults)


Executes the actions in the given actionString

_executeRuleActions: (rule, simulate) -> assert rule? assert rule.actions? assert simulate? and typeof simulate is "boolean" actionResults = [] for action in rule.actions do (action) => promise = null if action.after? unless simulate

cancel scheule for pending executes

if action.scheduled? action.scheduled.cancel( "reschedule action #{action.token} in #{action.after.token}" )

schedule new action

promise = @_evaluateTimeExpr( action.after.exprTokens, action.after.unit ).then( (ms) => @_scheduleAction(action, ms) ) else promise = @_executeAction(action, simulate).then( (message) => "#{message} after #{action.after.token}" ) else promise = @_executeAction(action) assert promise.then? actionResults.push promise return actionResults _evaluateTimeExpr: (exprTokens, unit) => @framework.variableManager.evaluateNumericExpression(exprTokens).then( (time) => return milliseconds.parse "#{time} #{unit}" ) _executeAction: (action, simulate) =>

wrap into an fcall to convert throwen erros to a rejected promise

return Promise.try( => promise = action.handler.executeAction(simulate) if action.for? promise = promise.then( (message) => restoreActionPromise = @_evaluateTimeExpr( action.for.exprTokens, action.for.unit ).then( (ms) => @_scheduleAction(action, ms, yes) ) return [message, restoreActionPromise] ) return promise ) _executeRestoreAction: (action, simulate) =>

wrap into an fcall to convert throwen erros to a rejected promise

return Promise.try( => action.handler.executeRestoreAction(simulate) ) _scheduleAction: (action, ms, isRestore = no) => assert action? if action.scheduled? action.scheduled.cancel("clearing scheduled action") return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => timeoutHandle = setTimeout((=> promise = ( unless isRestore then @_executeAction(action, no) else @_executeRestoreAction(action, no) ) resolve(promise) delete action.scheduled ), ms) action.scheduled = { startDate: new Date() cancel: (reason) => clearTimeout(timeoutHandle) delete action.scheduled resolve(reason) } ) _createParseContext: -> {variables, functions} = @framework.variableManager.getVariablesAndFunctions() return M.createParseContext(variables, functions)
getRules: () -> rules = (r for id, r of @rules)

sort in config order

rulesInConfig =, (r) => ) return _.sortBy(rules, (r) => rulesInConfig.indexOf ) getRuleById: (ruleId) -> @rules[ruleId] getRuleActionsHints: (actionsInput) -> context = null result = null context = @_createParseContext() result = @_parseRuleActions("id", actionsInput, context) context.finalize() for a in result.actions delete a.handler return { tokens: result.tokens actions: result.actions autocomplete: context.autocomplete errors: context.errors format: context.format warnings: context.warnings } getRuleConditionHints: (conditionInput) -> context = null result = null context = @_createParseContext() result = @_parseRuleCondition("id", conditionInput, context) context.finalize() for p in result.predicates delete p.handler return { tokens: result.tokens predicates: result.predicates autocomplete: context.autocomplete errors: context.errors format: context.format warnings: context.warnings } executeAction: (actionString, simulate = false, logging = yes) => context = @_createParseContext() parseResult = @_parseAction('custom-action', actionString, context) context.finalize() if context.hasErrors() return Promise.reject new Error(context.errors) return @_executeAction(parseResult.action, simulate).then( (message) => "execute action: #{message}" if logging return message ) updateRuleOrder: (ruleOrder) -> assert ruleOrder? and Array.isArray ruleOrder @framework.config.rules = _.sortBy(@framework.config.rules, (rule) => index = ruleOrder.indexOf return if index is -1 then 99999 else index # push it to the end if not found ) @framework.saveConfig() @framework._emitRuleOrderChanged(ruleOrder) return ruleOrder return exports = { RuleManager }